Saturday, June 11, 2016

Improving blood oxygen levels naturally-Lovego weekly report

LoveGo, Go Along With Love!
Your Second Doctor

Weekly report

Improving blood oxygen levels naturally

COPD brings with it the challenge of having very low blood oxygen levels. Because of this, every increase in your oxygen levels will count. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to increase your blood oxygen levels naturally.

Stay calm and practice mindfulness. Staying calm and relaxed can help make breathing deeply much easier. Various relaxation techniques, like yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, can help lower stress levels and train you to breathe properly. This in turn allows your body to take in more oxygen. Shallow breathing limits the amount of oxygen in your blood, while deep breathing increases blood oxygen and increases energy. When practiced regularly, such techniques and deep breathing will come naturally, and you’ll notice your oxygen levels begin to improve.

Surround yourself with plants. Plants give off oxygen, thus, placing live plants inside your home can help make indoor oxygen more readily available. Aside from this, the added greenery in your home can help liven up the atmosphere. Choose plants that are easy to maintain and do not readily bear flowers to avoid any pollen indoors. There are many plants you can easily grow which need only minimal sunshine and water to thrive, such as Chinese evergreens, areca palm, and money plant.

Eat more greens (and other veggies). Vegetables, being plants, are oxygen-rich foods that can help increase blood oxygen levels. Raw vegetables are a better option, so salads with a lot of greens and mixed veggies are a great meal addition. You can also steam or saute your veggie mixes and add spices to add variety to how they are prepared. Spinach, kale, bell peppers, celery and carrots are great choices to start with.

Increase iron-rich foods in your diet. Iron is the mineral in your blood responsible for binding to and carrying oxygen around. Eating iron-rich foods can help improve your blood oxygen levels. Green leafy vegetables like kale and celery, along with meat, fish and poultry, are excellent iron sources. Be sure to regularly consume any of these foods, along with a balanced diet to ensure proper iron levels and maximize your blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity.

Stay hydrated. Taking in enough water is essential not only to your overall health but also to help improve your oxygen levels. Water contains oxygen in its structure, thus allowing you to help your body maintain adequate oxygen levels.

Drink nutrient-packed fluids. Aside from water, you may also want to add other beverages to your diet. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are an excellent choice as they contain the right vitamins and minerals that you can take in easily. Combining two or more fruits and vegetables during juicing also enhances the amounts of nutrients you get. Such vitamins and minerals are readily used by the body to aid in maximizing the blood’s oxygen carrying capacity.

Cut back on the salt. Reducing the amount of salt in your diet is beneficial to your blood pressure and can reduce your risks for various conditions. Aside from this, it can also improve your oxygen levels by lessening the load on your kidneys and circulation. Try cutting back on salt when cooking and eating, and make your meals tastier with the use of beneficial spices like oregano and turmeric.

Following the above tips and incorporating them into your lifestyle can greatly improve your blood oxygen levels the natural way! Try them now and we’d be happy to hear about your experience!

Do you have any other tips for improving blood oxygen levels naturally? You’re welcome to share them with us via the comments below!

Lovego Service 



Add: Building B, LC Hi-tech Park, Longhua District, Shenzhen, China

1 comment:

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