Thursday, June 23, 2016

How to purify the air in your home naturally-Lovego weekly report

LoveGo, Go Along With Love!
Your Second Doctor

Weekly report

How to purify the air in your home naturally

Most people with chronic lung conditions like COPD spend a significant amount of time indoors. Though the air is usually safer indoors and contains fewer pollutants and allergens like dust particles and pollen, certain chemicals can be present indoors and affect the quality of your air. It may not be very noticeable, yet sometimes; an increasing frequency of flare-ups can be attributed to a low indoor air quality.

Fortunately, there are things that you can do to make the air in your home cleaner and more pure. Here are some ways to do this.

Light some beeswax candles. Pure beeswax candles can purify the air around your home. When lit, these candles give off negative ions, thus counteracting positive ions like those of dust, allergens and other toxic contaminants in the air. Additionally, beeswax candles do not give off smoke and burn more slowly than the usual paraffin candles, making them an excellent choice for your home. Take note that if you are on oxygen therapy, you shouldn’t light candles in the same room when you are on oxygen.

Use a Himalayan salt lamp. These salt lamps are actually a huge crystal block of pinkish-colored rock salt. The lamp is made by hollowing out the inside of the rock salt crystal and placing a bulb. The bulb then emits heat, which releases negative ions from the salt into the air to neutralize toxins and contaminants. Himalayan salt lamps also give off a faint pinkish glow that helps promote a calming atmosphere. This being said, such lamps don’t just cleanse the air of allergens and toxins, but also contribute to any room’s decor.

Use an indoor air filter. High-efficiency particulate air (HEPA) filters effectively work to remove particles like contaminants, pollutants and dust from the air in your home. You can install one in your central air system, or you can also use them on portable air purifiers. HEPA filters should be regularly changed depending on the frequency of use and the amount of particulate matter that collects onto it.

Eliminate sources of toxins and air contaminants. One simple way to improve air quality inside your home is to remove any materials that may emit chemicals that can irritate the airways. Stick to household products that are natural and organic. Keep away items that are made of synthetic fibers. Prevent the build-up of excessive moisture in rooms, and thoroughly air out corners, walls or furniture where molds can easily grow. Preventive measures such as these are important and contribute significantly to an improved indoor air quality.

Use activated charcoal. Also known as bamboo charcoal, activated charcoal is an excellent compound that works to absorb odors and toxins from the air. It is usually packaged in a linen bag for home use, where it can be placed in strategical locations around the home to pull out allergens, odors, pollutants and even moisture from the air. It can also be reused again and again or a couple of years, provided that it is left out in the sun once a month. Activated charcoal is a great choice for purifying indoor air and removing nasty odors.

Grow air-purifying plants. Plants give off oxygen and freshen the air, yet there are many kinds that go the extra mile and naturally filter out toxins from the atmosphere. Among chemicals that such plants can take in are xylene, benzene, formaldehyde, ammonia and toluene, all of which are harmful air pollutants, especially to those with lung conditions. Many of these air-purifying plants also grow well indoors and require little maintenance. A plant called the “Peace lily” is among the best types of indoor air-purifying plants. Other plants that can be used for this purpose are cornstalk dracaena, golden pothos, English ivy, and various species of Chinese evergreens.

Having clean air in your home isn’t so difficult to work out. Using a variety of the methods above can significantly improve the air quality in your home, resulting to an increase in health and well-being for your entire family.

Have you tried any of the above tips to purify indoor air? Do share your experience and advice in the comments below!

Lovego Service 



Add: Building B, LC Hi-tech Park, Longhua District, Shenzhen, China

Friday, June 17, 2016

The Benefits of Tai Chi in COPD

LoveGo, Go Along With Love!
Your Second Doctor

Weekly report

The Benefits of Tai Chi in COPD

As you may already know, COPD patients can benefit from moderate exercise. Though staying active is a challenge for those living with COPD, it has been proven that staying active is the key to a better quality of life. Though some patients prefer activities like walking or other forms of mild exercise, studies have shown that gentle exercise techniques like yoga and Tai Chi offer the most benefit. This is because such exercises involve both the body and the mind, and thus can help alleviate many of the symptoms of chronic lung conditions.

Tai Chi has been studied by various researchers and has been established as beneficial for patients with chronic lung conditions like COPD. If you’re wondering whether Tai Chi is an exercise for you, let’s start by getting acquainted with what it is and what its benefits are.

What is Tai Chi?

Tai Chi is one of the ancient Chinese martial arts, referred to as the “internal” or “soft-type” of martial art. This is because Tai Chi is mainly concerned with slow, graceful movements that intend to harness the qi, or the life force. Today, Tai Chi is practiced by over a hundred million people worldwide, mainly for its health and spiritual benefits. If you have COPD, practicing Tai Chi regular can present a variety of benefits that can help you live a better, longer life.

Benefits of Tai Chi

Improves exercise capacity. A study published in the European Respiratory Journal has shown that Tai Chi is able to improve exercise capacity in patients with COPD. Those who underwent regular Tai Chi sessions were able to tolerate longer walking and physical activity. Additionally, these patients also described a better quality of life after doing Tai Chi regularly. This shows that Tai Chi is indeed beneficial to COPD patients, and has been suggested as an alternative to pulmonary rehabilitation programs. With Tai Chi, you may be able to do more of the physical activities you love and get to spend more time with your loved ones.

Improves lung function. Tai Chi has also been shown to improve lung function in COPD patients. As you may know, a decline in lung function is one of the main health issues with COPD. Decreased lung function is linked to increased difficulty in performing everyday tasks, worsening symptoms like difficulty in breathing, and more frequent exacerbations, as well as complications like heart failure and other circulatory problems. In a Hong Kong study, COPD patients who practiced Tai Chi regularly were found to have significant improvements in respiratory function. This means that Tai Chi can help prevent any decline in lung function, and can help you be more able to avoid exacerbations and complications.

Slows disease progression. Because Tai Chi has a positive impact on lung function and activity tolerance, it can help alleviate COPD symptoms and prevent them from worsening. This means that disease progression is slowed and serious complications to the heart and other systems can be prevented. Tai Chi’s relaxing effect, as well as its calming body movements, can help increase blood flow to various areas, increase mental concentration, and improve physical strength. All of these effects can then contribute to overall health and a better quality of life.

How can I practice Tai Chi?

To practice Tai Chi, you can start by learning about it through videos on the internet. Various websites also offer information and beginner’s lessons for you to get acquainted with the practice. There are also many instructional articles on how to start doing Tai Chi.

The best way to start learning, however, is to look for a Tai Chi class near you. The guidance of a Tai Chi instructor, along with the support from classmates in a class, can greatly help you begin correctly and master the right techniques. Look for a local instructor who understands your condition and can help you begin with techniques that are gentle and easily tolerable for your situation. It’s also best to talk with your doctor when starting out with any new exercise, as well as starting with Tai Chi.

Do you intend to start doing Tai Chi? Any questions or comments are welcome! Are you one of those who have tried or are currently practicing Tai Chi? We’d love to hear about your experience and tips below!

Lovego Service 



Add: Building B, LC Hi-tech Park, Longhua District, Shenzhen, China

Saturday, June 11, 2016

Improving blood oxygen levels naturally-Lovego weekly report

LoveGo, Go Along With Love!
Your Second Doctor

Weekly report

Improving blood oxygen levels naturally

COPD brings with it the challenge of having very low blood oxygen levels. Because of this, every increase in your oxygen levels will count. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to increase your blood oxygen levels naturally.

Stay calm and practice mindfulness. Staying calm and relaxed can help make breathing deeply much easier. Various relaxation techniques, like yoga, meditation, and mindfulness, can help lower stress levels and train you to breathe properly. This in turn allows your body to take in more oxygen. Shallow breathing limits the amount of oxygen in your blood, while deep breathing increases blood oxygen and increases energy. When practiced regularly, such techniques and deep breathing will come naturally, and you’ll notice your oxygen levels begin to improve.

Surround yourself with plants. Plants give off oxygen, thus, placing live plants inside your home can help make indoor oxygen more readily available. Aside from this, the added greenery in your home can help liven up the atmosphere. Choose plants that are easy to maintain and do not readily bear flowers to avoid any pollen indoors. There are many plants you can easily grow which need only minimal sunshine and water to thrive, such as Chinese evergreens, areca palm, and money plant.

Eat more greens (and other veggies). Vegetables, being plants, are oxygen-rich foods that can help increase blood oxygen levels. Raw vegetables are a better option, so salads with a lot of greens and mixed veggies are a great meal addition. You can also steam or saute your veggie mixes and add spices to add variety to how they are prepared. Spinach, kale, bell peppers, celery and carrots are great choices to start with.

Increase iron-rich foods in your diet. Iron is the mineral in your blood responsible for binding to and carrying oxygen around. Eating iron-rich foods can help improve your blood oxygen levels. Green leafy vegetables like kale and celery, along with meat, fish and poultry, are excellent iron sources. Be sure to regularly consume any of these foods, along with a balanced diet to ensure proper iron levels and maximize your blood’s oxygen-carrying capacity.

Stay hydrated. Taking in enough water is essential not only to your overall health but also to help improve your oxygen levels. Water contains oxygen in its structure, thus allowing you to help your body maintain adequate oxygen levels.

Drink nutrient-packed fluids. Aside from water, you may also want to add other beverages to your diet. Fresh fruit and vegetable juices are an excellent choice as they contain the right vitamins and minerals that you can take in easily. Combining two or more fruits and vegetables during juicing also enhances the amounts of nutrients you get. Such vitamins and minerals are readily used by the body to aid in maximizing the blood’s oxygen carrying capacity.

Cut back on the salt. Reducing the amount of salt in your diet is beneficial to your blood pressure and can reduce your risks for various conditions. Aside from this, it can also improve your oxygen levels by lessening the load on your kidneys and circulation. Try cutting back on salt when cooking and eating, and make your meals tastier with the use of beneficial spices like oregano and turmeric.

Following the above tips and incorporating them into your lifestyle can greatly improve your blood oxygen levels the natural way! Try them now and we’d be happy to hear about your experience!

Do you have any other tips for improving blood oxygen levels naturally? You’re welcome to share them with us via the comments below!

Lovego Service 



Add: Building B, LC Hi-tech Park, Longhua District, Shenzhen, China

Friday, June 3, 2016

Tips for more comfortable oxygen therapy-Lovego Weekly Report

LoveGo, Go Along With Love!
Your Second Doctor

Weekly report

Tips for more comfortable oxygen therapy

Oxygen therapy is essential for many COPD patients. Though it is life-saving and offers many benefits, being on oxygen for hours at a time can cause some uncomfortable effects. Mouth, nose and throat dryness are common. Some patients may also experience nosebleeds and skin irritation. Fortunately, there are some things you can do to make oxygen therapy more comfortable.

Use a built-in humidifier. A humidifier is a bottle attached to your oxygen concentrator. It contains distilled water which helps moisten the oxygen before it is inhaled. This allows lesser chances of your nasal passages, mouth and throat getting too dry from the oxygen. Remember to change the distilled water in your humidifier every one to two days to keep bacteria from building up and preventing any chances of respiratory infection.

Try using a room humidifier. Additionally, you can also use a room humidifier to add moisture to the air around you. This especially helps when you are sleeping, allowing moist air to be inhaled even if you breathe through your mouth. Make sure to keep your room humidifier clean to prevent it from harboring any dust, mold or bacteria.

Use a nasal spray. Nasal sprays can greatly help lessen the dryness felt inside your nose and throat. A lot of brands are commercially available and can relieve any dryness. These usually contain a saline solution, which replenishes the moisture on your nose and throat membranes. These sprays are packaged with a nozzle for convenient spraying into the nostrils. Follow the instructions and frequency of dosing on the package to effectively keep nasal irritation at bay. Make sure to also clean the nozzle with clean tissue after every use.

Use a nasal gel or lubricating jelly. Nasal gels, as well as lubricating jellies, are also available from the pharmacy. These products help prevent the escape of moisture from your nasal passages, thus preventing crustiness and irritation. Apply a thin coating on the inside of your nostrils and below your nose using a clean finger or cotton swab. You can apply this as often as three times a day. Remember to avoid using products that contain petroleum, as this is a fire hazard when used near oxygen tanks.

Try a moisturizing balm or sesame seed oil.
Similar to using nasal sprays and gels, a moisturizing balm keeps the dry, sensitive skin inside your nostrils intact. This allows protection against dryness and skin breaks, which can cause nosebleeds. Use the tip of a clean finger or a cotton swab to apply just the right amount of balm on the inside of your nose. A thin coating of sesame oil can also help, with its anti-inflammatory properties being beneficial to prevent irritated skin.

Keep your equipment clean. Maintaining proper care of your oxygen concentrator, as well as the rest of your oxygen therapy equipment, can also help make oxygen therapy more comfortable. Additionally, it’s best to wash your humidifier, nasal cannula and rubber tubing every week. Use a mild, cleansing detergent and water. Rubber tubing and nasal cannula also have to be replaced every one to two months.

The above tips can help you get used to oxygen therapy without any of the uncomfortable effects like dry nasal passages, throat and mouth, as well as nosebleeds and irritated skin around the nose. Also, staying hydrated and consuming enough fruits and vegetables can help keep your skin from getting too dry and flaky.

Do you have any other tips for more comfortable oxygen therapy? What are your experiences with the above tips? Do share it with us in the comments below! 

Lovego Service



Add: Building B, LC Hi-tech Park, Longhua District, Shenzhen, China