Saturday, May 14, 2016

How to increase appetite in COPD

LoveGo, Go Along With Love!
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How to increase appetite in COPD

Having COPD comes with various effects like easily getting fatigued and difficulty moving around. For some patients, COPD also comes with a loss of appetite that could cause lack of proper nutrients and weight loss.

Many COPD patients report that this lack of appetite is due to food not tasting as great as it used to. Others say that fatigue often gets in the way of preparing meals and eating, and sometimes it’s quite a challenge to chew, swallow and breathe at the same time. Additionally, some COPD medications can also affect appetite.

Though not given enough attention, a loss of appetite in COPD patients is an issue that needs to be resolved. When you aren’t eating enough, your body cannot get the right nutrients it needs for energy and for functioning as normally as possible. This in turn leads to more fatigue and can subsequently result to a worsening inability to move about and do physical activity.

A lack of nutrients can also make it more difficult to breathe. This is because COPD patients need more calories to engage the muscles needed in the breathing process. Thus, it is essential that you get enough nutrients and calories to support breathing and keep your body functioning well. If a loss of appetite is increasingly becoming an issue, here are some things you can do to get yourself to eat more.

Rest before eating. If feeling tired or fatigued is the main reason why you don’t feel like eating, a nap or scheduled rest time before eating may help give you enough energy and drive to eat a meal. If preparing meals gets you tired, ask for help from a family member or friend.

Add some appetite-boosting herbs. Herbs like ginger, cinnamon, ginseng, dandelion, fennel, tarragon and peppermint are known for their appetite-stimulating properties. Some, like ginger and fennel, can be added as spices, while others, like peppermint or dandelion, can be drank as tea. Ask your doctor or pharmacist if these herbs are safe to take with your medications.

Choose recipes that are attractive and easy to make. If the thought of preparing food makes you feel tired already, its best to choose recipes that you find interesting yet easy to make. Stir fries, one-pan meals, and other easy cooking methods can get you delicious meals that are worth looking forward to. Try adding in colorful ingredients like different-colored veggies that make food look more flavorful. You can also opt to prepare food in a different way than you usually do. Cooking your food in various ways can make meals seem more appetizing. Add spices that smell good to entice your appetite. You can also prepare meals that are freezer-friendly for you to just throw in the freezer and reheat at any time.

Keep your favorite foods handy. If you don’t feel like eating during mealtime, you can instead eat some of your favorite foods, as long as they’re healthy. Knowing that your favorite foods are available can help stimulate appetite. Keep a good supply of them in your fridge or pantry so that you can easily access them. Also, snacking frequently throughout the day can help stabilize metabolism and thus make you feel hungrier during mealtime.

Get regular exercise. Even light physical activity, like walking for about 15-20 minutes, doing yoga, or other light physical activity, may be able to help you feel hungry and thus, have the appetite to eat. Physical activity can also help you more easily absorb the nutrients from a meal.

Keep a variety of fruits at hand. Some people find that eating more fruits can help boost appetite. This is because strong fruit flavors, like those in peaches, figs, apricots, and dates, help stimulate appetite. Fruits smoothies, fruit-flavored snacks, and dried fruits are good choices as well.

Keep your dining area pleasant and stress-free. Mealtime should always be a relaxing affair. See to it that your dining area is free from noise and any disturbances. Use your best dinnerware. Place some flowers and add some fancy place mats. You can even play soft music in the background! Knowing that you’re going to have an enjoyable meal with your family can help make you look forward to eating.

If you really think your appetite needs a boost, try some of these tips above and tell us how it went. Were you able to entice yourself to eat? Tell us how your experience was in the comments below!

If you’ve already experienced having a loss of appetite in the past, what did you do to overcome it? Did you try any of the above tips, or do you have other helpful advice for those going through this stage? Share your experiences, comments, or helpful tips below!

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1 comment:

  1. I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Health Home, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Health Home via their email at . I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!
