Friday, April 8, 2016

Reduce your risk of COPD-Lovego weekly report

LoveGo, Go Along With Love!
Your Second Doctor

Weekly report

Reduce your risk of COPD

Millions of people are diagnosed with COPD every year. If you know someone who has COPD, you may already be familiar with the challenges encountered in managing the condition. Normally, lung function peaks at early adulthood, usually in the twenties, then after that begins to decline. This is why we have to take care of our lungs, especially as we age. If you are continuously exposed to factors that cause a decrease in lung function, you may be putting yourself at risk to COPD.

There are quite a number of factors that can increase the risk to COPD. Among these include genetics, race, clinical factors and even environmental factors. What is important though, is the fact that COPD can be prevented by working on factors that are within your control. Here are some things you can do to decrease the risk for getting the condition or even slow down its progression.

Stop smoking! It is a known fact that smoking is among the primary risk factors for COPD and other respiratory conditions. Smoking damages healthy lung tissue, decreasing its capacity to carry air and infuse oxygen into the blood. It also wreaks havoc on other body systems, making you more prone to other illnesses. Because of this, the importance of quitting smoking has been emphasized time and again. The good news is that, when you stop smoking, there is an immediate benefit for your lung function. Plus, any difficulty in breathing is lessened to some degree. If you need help in quitting smoking, you can ask your physician for advice. There are also some medications that aid in smoking cessation.

Get active! Regular physical activity can strengthen lung function. Frequent physical activity that encourages moderate to high levels of exercise has been shown to slow down lung function decline. This, in turn, lowers a person’s chances of having COPD. Additionally, studies in smokers have found that high levels of physical activity were able to help in decreasing lung function decline. This simply highlights how regular exercise can help stave off COPD for those at risk, while also slowing down progressions and lessening exacerbations in people who have the disease.

Steer clear from lung irritants. This goes on to say that you have to avoid environmental pollutants that make you cough, especially cigarette smoke and smog. Children who are exposed to irritants like secondhand smoke have been found to have an increased risk for asthma, infections and COPD when they get older. Stay away from places where smog concentrations are high. Avoid using household items that give off chemical fumes, such as cleaning solutions. If places with air pollutants are totally unavoidable, opt to wear masks that keep you from inhaling such particles. It’s also best to avoid inhaling any smoke from burning coal, wood or any other material.

Adapt some dietary improvements. Aside from helping you maintain a healthy weight, eating right can help add healing components to your diet, such as fish, fruits and vegetables. Fresh fruits and veggies contain components that help decrease inflammation in the body, along with antioxidants that fight off tissue damage. The healthy omega-3 fats in fish like salmon have been found as well to help decrease inflammation in the lungs, resulting in improved lung function. Omega-3 can be taken in as well from other foods and fish oil supplements. Additionally, taking in 600 mg of Vitamin E every other day has been found to cause a 10-percent reduction in COPD risk.

Keep away from respiratory illness. Frequent episodes of flu and colds can attack the integrity of lung function. Do your best to reduce the number of times you get flu, colds and other respiratory illnesses. This can be done by taking measures to strengthen your immune system and preventing transmission of infections. Advise all family members to wash their hands upon getting inside the house. Get vaccinations for flu and pneumonia, especially if you are at a higher level of risk. It also helps to take your daily multivitamin, especially one containing zinc and vitamins known to strengthen the immune system.

All of these tips can help you and your loved ones prevent the onset of COPD, especially if you have a family history of respiratory conditions. If you already have COPD, the tips above can help reduce the frequency of exacerbations and slow down the progression of lung disease. Taking these extra measures to heart can have a powerful impact on your health now and even later in life.

Lovego Service 



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