Thursday, March 3, 2016

Have a loved one newly diagnosed with COPD?-Lovego Weekly Report

LoveGo, Go Along With Love!
Your Second Doctor

Weekly report

Have a loved one newly diagnosed with COPD?

New medications, treatment goals, changes in activity and alterations in routine—all these can be quite stressful for a newly diagnosed COPD patient. It’s a good thing there are family members and loved ones around to provide support for the patient.

If your loved one is newly diagnosed with COPD, you have to do what you can to help the patient ease into all of the changes needed. Though it may be challenging for the entire family, there are many things you can do to help ensure that the patient will be at his or her most comfortable. Below are some tips you can follow if your loved one has just been diagnosed with COPD.

· Learn as much as you can about the condition. It’s best that everyone close to the patient knows and understands the disease. This helps reinforce the patient’s knowledge about his or her condition, as well as helps everyone adjust to the needed changes in the patient’s lifestyle and around the home. Look up disease information on the internet. Talk to the doctor about treatment goals and what can be done to help slow disease progression and lessen complications. Get acquainted with your loved one’s medications and possible symptoms of acute attacks, so you know what to do whenever an emergency occurs. Coping with COPD needs adjustments not just from the patient but also from all the people close to him or her.

· Provide emotional support. Being newly diagnosed, your loved one is probably coping with various emotions ranging from worry to despair. Show that you are available whenever they need to talk to someone about their feelings and concerns. Encourage him or her by staying optimistic and doing things he or she loves. Spend more time together and do fun activities that help take their mind off the symptoms and stressful changes. If you don’t live with them, staying in constant contact and checking in on them regularly will make them feel cared for. Being present, both physically and emotionally, will have a great impact on their well-being, especially at this stressful time.

· Help around the house. Being present around the home and offering to help with chores and other activities can also be a great way to show support. Rearranging the furniture, removing irritants like cleaning solutions and dust, and enforcing a no smoking rule around the house is also important. Ask them what other things are needed to be done, and volunteer to do them. Remember that COPD patients are easily prone to fatigue, so whatever tasks you can help with around the house can mean a lot to them.

· Attend doctor’s appointments with them. If no one else can go with them to doctor’s appointments, it’s imperative that you go with them, especially if you plan to be their primary caregiver. Listen to what the doctor says, take note of new medications, and pay attention when the doctor demonstrates how to use any equipment. The patient may not remember everything the doctor said, and you being there can help them remember. This is also your chance to ask questions from the physician or other health care professionals. Asking a lot of questions about the patient’s condition, treatments and COPD care can be very helpful for both you and the patient. Aside from this, your presence at any doctor’s appointments can ease any apprehensions and anxiety the patient has about his condition, making them feel more confident to ask questions concerning their health.

Caring for a COPD patient and adjusting to their needs may take some time to get used to. But remember that being there for your loved one means a lot, especially at this time when the patient may be feeling anxious about his or her condition. Getting to know about COPD and supporting your loved one physically and emotionally can have a significant impact on their quality of life.

Lovego Service 



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1 comment:

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