Thursday, October 22, 2015

Rehab goals and who needs rehab- Lovego weekly report

LoveGo, Go Along With Love!
Your Second Doctor

Weekly report

Rehab goals and who needs rehab

Rehab Goals:

The goals of any pulmonary rehab program are to control and ease symptoms of COPD and, therefore, to improve the patients quality of life-and maybe even extend the patients’ life expectancy. Research indicates that the multidisciplinary approach does a pretty good job of attaining those goals, too. Patients who take part in rehab improve their tolerance for movement and activity and are enable to engage in movement and activity for longer periods. They also report fewer episodes of feeling short of breath and a better quality of life. Finally, and significantly, rehab reduces healthcare costs because those patients typically don't use emergency and hospital services as much as COPD patients who aren't in a rehab program.

There's no evidence that your lung function actually improves with pulmonary rehabilitation when you have COPD. However, it does help you maximize your existing lung function, and the other health benefits of exercise, nutrition, and counselling help make breathing easier and improve your quality of life.

A formal rehab program may include exercises and therapies that you wouldn't otherwise use, and some that you may already be using. For example, most pulmonary rehab programs include training in controlled breathing techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing or pursed-lip breathing. But you're likely already using one or more of these breathing techniques: COPD seem to instinctively find the method that works for them to ease their symptoms.

Other techniques do require training if you're to do them properly and without risking injury. Techniques like postural drainage and chest percussion are effective ways to clear the airways of mucus, but, to be safe and effective, you need specific instructions from a rehab specialists who is similar who is familiar with the technique. And, until you're completely comfortable with it, you shouldn't use these techniques except under the supervision of your rehab specialist.

Who Needs Rehab:

Many doctors and pulmonologists routinely recommend rehab only for their patients with severe, late stage COPD. Research shows that even patients who are so sick that the need lung surgery or a transplant can improve their overall fitness and lung function with the proper rehab program.

There's also a growing body of evidence that early rehab can at least delay and perhaps even prevent the progress of COPD. Like most disease's, the earlier COPD is diagnosed and properly treated, the less likely it is to cause severe disruptions in your life. And, of cause the less severe the disease, the lower the costs-in time, money , and energy-of treating it effectively.

Even if your COPD is in the mild or moderate stage, ask your doctor about pulmonary rehab. If your doctor seems reluctant to recommend it for you, ask him if it makes sense as a preventive measure-a way to help slow the progress of your COPD.

The key to a successful rehab program is an individualized structure. Every element of your rehab program should be geared towards your specific needs, from your tolerance for certain forms of exercise to your diet to your goals for everyday living.

Lovego Service
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1 comment:

  1. I started on COPD Herbal treatment from Ultimate Health Home, the treatment worked incredibly for my lungs condition. I used the herbal treatment for almost 4 months, it reversed my COPD. My severe shortness of breath, dry cough, chest tightness gradually disappeared. Reach Ultimate Health Home via their website . I can breath much better and It feels comfortable!
