Friday, October 24, 2014

Lovego Weekly report-COPD and Autumn/Winter

LoveGo, Go Along With Love!
Your Second Doctor

Weekly report

COPD and Autumn/Winter

Different seasons come to different climate. The seasonal changes that can affect people with COPD much. So what measures shall the patients take during the Autumn/Winter ?

In winter, the air temperature is cold. Cold air and strong winds may worsen COPD symptoms, including shortness of breath, cough and mucus/phlegm production. Frigid air can be hard to breathe and wind resistance requires more effort to move, both of which may cause fatigue. Suggest to try to breathe through the nose, covered by a scarf or mask, on cold days; this will help to warm air before it reaches the lungs

Also,the cold weather brings cold and flu season, which can be very dangerous for COPD patients and can escalate quickly into infection. Suggest washing your hands often, though it is a primary ,it is an extremely effective way to help prevent upper respiratory infections;to wash hands with soap and water after eating and after being outside the home are needed.

To reduce the risk of exacerbations, it is very important for COPD patients to stay up to date on preventive vaccinations as well, especially those for influenza and pneumococcal disease.

Additionally, COPD patients should try to avoid situations where they may come into contact with sick people, such as travel, airplanes, shopping malls, and exposure to school age children

And the Allergy problems shall be paid much attention to . when the weather gets cold, you will spend more time indoors, where a whole new set of allergens may await . Suggest that COPD patients should try to eliminate exposure to and reduce conditions that promote indoor allergens, along with hobbies or home improvements that produce may produce dust and contaminate the air with particle irritants.

During the cold winter month, air becomes much dry. It can cause serious and lengthy respiratory infections as well.So you need:.
Drink plenty of liquids — water, juices, and more water! Check with your physician to determine your optimum goal. Drinking most liquids before your evening meal should minimize interruptions during the night.

Add humidity to your air with humidifying devices. Be sure to keep your systems clean and germ-free. Cleaning your humidifier will depend upon the type of humidification system you have; be sure to check your instructions to ensure optimum working condition. 

For other tips,like keeping nose clean,keep active and make a plan to go out with your doctor ect shall remind too.

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1 comment:

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