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Eating & Avoiding what kind of food to a COPD patient
Eating a balanced diet and maintaining a healthy weight are important parts of managing COPD. A healthy diet won’t cure COPD,but it will help your body fight off infections and make you feel better.
Here we have two points for the diet:Know what to eat
Know what to avoid
- Know What to eat
Supplementing Protein: we know Protein is an essential element in everyone's diet, but it's especially important when you have COPD. Add nonfat dry milk, protein powder, or soy protein powder to dishes like mashed potatoes, casseroles, soups, even hot cereal. The amount you need depends on your nutritional status; generally, six ounces of protein a day and two cups of milk provide an adequate amount of high- value protein.
Eat high-fiber foods:You need 25 to 30 grams of fiber each day, so choose high-fiber foods,like beans, bran, brown rice, whole-grain cereals and breads, and fresh fruits and vegetables.
Choose heath fats food, they contains high calorie, will help to reach your calorie requirements for COPD management.They are can be found in nuts, eggs, olive oil, avocados, and fatty coldwater fish like salmon.
Drink Plenty of Fluids: Drinking plenty of non-caffeinated fluids will help keep the mucus in your airways thin and make it easier to clear your lungs. At mealtimes, eat first and sip later. That way you won't feel full before you've had a chance to get a solid, nutritious meal.
Shakes and Smoothies:Foods rich in calcium and vitamin D are essential for keeping bones healthy. That's why milkshakes and smoothies are the perfect snacks for many people with COPD. Use milk or yogurt -- choosing lower-fat products if weight control is desired -- and use fresh fruit for nutrients and fiber. Canned, fortified shakes are no-fuss drinks that are ready to be used straight out of the fridge
Starchy Vegetables:Starchy vegetables like beets, corn, carrots, and winter squash are rich sources of vitamins and minerals. And they have more calories than other vegetables. Baked squash casserole makes an excellent side dish or main course. And soup is a savory way to enjoy these richer vegetables.
Calcium. Especially important for women and those on steroid medication. Calcium builds bones and helps regulate blood pressure. You can get adequate calcium from dairy products, supplements and vegetables.
Potassium. Important for blood pressure control, muscle contraction, and nervous system function. Some medications can cause potassium depletion, so be sure to check with your healthcare provider. Potassium is found in tomatoes, bananas, apricots, potatoes, raisins and nuts.
A very important and useful tip:
Calcium. Especially important for women and those on steroid medication. Calcium builds bones and helps regulate blood pressure. You can get adequate calcium from dairy products, supplements and vegetables.
Potassium. Important for blood pressure control, muscle contraction, and nervous system function. Some medications can cause potassium depletion, so be sure to check with your healthcare provider. Potassium is found in tomatoes, bananas, apricots, potatoes, raisins and nuts.
A very important and useful tip:
Eat More Often: If you find yourself getting fatigued while you eat, or you have trouble breathing because you get too full, try eating smaller meals more often. Four to six small meals during the day, instead of three large meals, will keep you from getting overly full. It also will require less energy to eat. That means you'll be less fatigued and better able to get what you need from the food you eat. Also, relax and rest before you eat.
Sodium can cause you to retain water, which makes it harder to breathe. So using unsalted herbs and spices to flavor food instead. It's also important to read food labels and to avoid foods that have more than 300 milligrams of sodium per serving. And Check with your dietician or health care provider before you use any salt substitute. Some of them have ingredients that may be just as bad for you as salt
Foods that cause gas or bloating can make breathing feel harder.Such as carbonated beverages, greasy fried foods, heavily spiced foods, beans, and vegetables like beans, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, leeks, onions, peas, peppers, and scallions. Soybeans and lentils, Fruits such as apples, avocados, and melons.But each person reacts a little differently. Keep a food diary to see which ones affect you; then steer clear of the troublemakers
Also,foods that are fried, deep-fried, or greasy can cause gas and indigestion. Heavily spiced foods can also cause discomfort and may affect your breathing. Avoid these foods when possible
- Know What to Avoid
Sodium can cause you to retain water, which makes it harder to breathe. So using unsalted herbs and spices to flavor food instead. It's also important to read food labels and to avoid foods that have more than 300 milligrams of sodium per serving. And Check with your dietician or health care provider before you use any salt substitute. Some of them have ingredients that may be just as bad for you as salt
Foods that cause gas or bloating can make breathing feel harder.Such as carbonated beverages, greasy fried foods, heavily spiced foods, beans, and vegetables like beans, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cauliflower, corn, leeks, onions, peas, peppers, and scallions. Soybeans and lentils, Fruits such as apples, avocados, and melons.But each person reacts a little differently. Keep a food diary to see which ones affect you; then steer clear of the troublemakers
Also,foods that are fried, deep-fried, or greasy can cause gas and indigestion. Heavily spiced foods can also cause discomfort and may affect your breathing. Avoid these foods when possible
Above points shall be carried out during the daily life.With a diet plan,it will be better.
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