Friday, October 24, 2014

Lovego Weekly report-COPD and Spring/Summer

LoveGo, Go Along With Love!
Your Second Doctor

Weekly report

COPD and Spring/Summer

During the Spring and Summer, both the temperature and humidity is high, the body must expend extra energy to try and cool itself down in order to maintain a normal body temperature. This extra energy requirement causes the body to demand more oxygen. For COPD patients,it will become more difficulty.

So what measures can you do during the hot days ?

The most effective way to beat the heat is to stay in an air-conditioned area, If you don’t have an air conditioner, consider heading to a shopping mall or public library for a few hours.

Drink plenty of fluids. Drinking fluids keeps mucus thin, making it easier to clear your lungs and airways. Clear airways are less prone to infection. If you notice a swelling of your hands or feet, contact your physician right away

Whenever possible, try and schedule activities so that you are outdoors either before noon or in the evening

Rest frequently in a shaded area. Intermittent resting will give your body’s thermostat a chance to recover.

Pace yourself. If you are not used to working or exercising in a hot environment, start slowly and gradually increase the intensity. Do not rush.

Choose lightweight, light-coloured, loose-fitting clothing. In the hot sun, a wide-brimmed hat will provide shade and keep the head cool.

Avoid going out on days when there is a lot of pollution or smog. A rule of thumb is that if the air has a color to it, avoid it!

Become a regular weather follower. Learn when the hottest part of the day will occur as well as the ozone rating throughout the day. Avoid going out during a heat or high pollution advisory!

Always carry your rescue inhaler (if you are prescribed one) and make sure you take all your required medications as directed.

Allergy problems shall be paid much attention to as well

Any Questions when you use LoveGo POC, kindly contact us

Email: Tel: 400 6677 247/075523733851

Lovego Service 
Toll free: 400-6677-247
Add: Building B, LC Hi-tech Park, Longhua District, Shenzhen, China

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