Second Doctor
Making your home friendly

The living room is most likely where you spend much of your time. It’s a natural place for reading, watching Tv, visiting with family and friends, and generally relaxing. You need a comfortable place to sit, a table large enough to hold the things you want to have near you, and good lighting for reading and other hobbies like needlework or knitting.
Choosing Your place to sit, whether it’s an easy chair or a corner of the couch, is no small matter. You need a chair that fits your body and doesn’t interfere with breathing.
The headrest should not push your head forward. If your head is pushed forward, that puts strain on your neck muscles and can make breathing more difficult.
The chair should have lumbar support. The lumbar region is your lower back, and a chair with lumbar support eases pressure on your lower back and allows your diaphragm to expand as needed.
You should be able to bend your knees comfortably over the edge of the seat while still having good support from the back, without having to slouch. Slouching can make breathing more difficult.
Lighting should be strong enough so that you don’t have to strain to read, and the switch should be handy to you in a seated position. If you prefer a floor lamp, position it so you can reach the switch without having to contort your body or get up from your seat.
Your end table should be spacious enough to keep the things you need within easy reach. If you use a nebulizer, you may want to keep it on the table so you can watch tv or read during your treatments.
One final thing you should have in your living room. a clock that you can see clearly. This is especially important if your taking timed medications. Don’t rely on the clock on your cable box. get a wall clock or an alarm clock with a battery backup. That way, even if the power goes out or a plug gets pulled out of the outlet, you’ll always know what time it is.
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