Second Doctor
5 Things To Avoid If you Have COPD

Here you will find 5 things to avoid so your copd symptoms don’t get worse,
When it comes to copd, smoke is public enemy number one. Smoke from cigarettes, pipes, wood stoves or campfires can make it harder for you to breathe. Prolonged exposure can cause permanent damage to your lungs, heart and other organs too.
The first step if you smoke is to quit.
Quitting now is the best way to slow the progression of your copd, your immune systems will be better able to fight off infection, your heart will work better and you will preserve whatever lung function you have left.
Staying away from second hand smoke is important too, because it’s just as harmful to your lungs as smoking yourself. Ask friends and family members who smoke to refrain from lighting up around you.
Don’t allow smoking in your car either , the confined space, exposes you to a great deal of second hand smoke.
Position yourself upwind of campfires and keep a hander kerchief handy to cover your nose and mouth if the wind shifts unexpectedly.
Very Cold Air
Extremely cold air causes your airways to tighten up, which makes it harder to expel air. Eventually, the air trapped in your lungs can make you feel like you can’t get enough air in. When you have copd, this tightening just worsens the symptoms you already have, making you feel even more short of breath. If you breathe through your nose this warms and moisturises the air, making it more comfortable to inhale.
Wear a face mask that covers your nose and mouth. This helps warm and moisturise the air before you inhale.
High Humidity
Humidity is one of those tricky factors when you have copd. Super dry air can make breathing difficult but so can super moist air. When heat and humidity bother you, air conditioning is your best friend. Air conditioning cools the air by removing some moisture from it, bringing humidity down to a comfortable level.
High Sodium Content
Salt makes your body retain water, which can make you feel bloated and uncomfortable. Water retention also can make your heart work harder because it increases blood pressure., and that extra work can make you feel even more short of breath.
Don’t add salt to foods while cooking
Try to use sale free seasonings in your recipes.
Heavy Meals
The more you eat, the bigger your stomach gets, which can make you feel like you don’t have room to expand your lungs. Bulky foods that cause gas like fried, spicy foods or certain fruits and vegetables can increase your discomfort.
Digestion takes a great deal of energy, and the more there is to digest, the more energy it takes. Smaller meals are less tiring to eat and digest than large meals. Resting before and after eating can make meals less wearing too.
Our five tips are simple ways to deal with the disease on a daily basis