Second Doctor

In this article, we will identify which foods are good for your lungs, and which aren’t and Understanding Why Weight Control is so important
When you have COPD you have to pay particular attention to your diet and your weight. COPD makes your body work harder to distribute oxygen, so you spend more energy just trying to breathe. Without a proper diet, you cant get either the calories or the nutrients your body needs to function.
People with COPD use up to ten times more energy than people with healthy lungs. Unfortunately, COPD often depresses appetite. You may not feel like you have any energy to prepare meals, and if you do somehow manage to make yourself a nice lunch or supper, you may not be able to work up the energy it takes to eat it.
Being overweight will make it more difficult to breathe and can add to your health problems. Extra pounds increase your risk for high blood pressure and diabetes, both of which may complicate efforts to treat your COPD.
Figuring out the proper diet for you depends on several factors, and you should consult your doctor and your nutrionist for specific dietary recommendations. WE can get you started though with a look at some foods that can help you breathe a little easier.
Fruits and Vegetables.
These provide a variety of essential vitamins and minerals. They are also high in fibre, which helps you feel full, aids in digestion and helps control blood sugar and cholesterol.
Vitamin C
When you have COPD you have to pay particular attention to your diet and your weight. COPD makes your body work harder to distribute oxygen, so you spend more energy just trying to breathe. Without a proper diet, you cant get either the calories or the nutrients your body needs to function.
People with COPD use up to ten times more energy than people with healthy lungs. Unfortunately, COPD often depresses appetite. You may not feel like you have any energy to prepare meals, and if you do somehow manage to make yourself a nice lunch or supper, you may not be able to work up the energy it takes to eat it.
Being overweight will make it more difficult to breathe and can add to your health problems. Extra pounds increase your risk for high blood pressure and diabetes, both of which may complicate efforts to treat your COPD.
Figuring out the proper diet for you depends on several factors, and you should consult your doctor and your nutrionist for specific dietary recommendations. WE can get you started though with a look at some foods that can help you breathe a little easier.
Fruits and Vegetables.
These provide a variety of essential vitamins and minerals. They are also high in fibre, which helps you feel full, aids in digestion and helps control blood sugar and cholesterol.
Vitamin C
This is the most common of the antioxidant nutrients that coat the surface of your airways, and research shows that people who take in more Vitamin C have less severe declines in their lung function as they age.
Foods rich in Vitamin C include citrus fruits ,oranges and grapefruit. Kiwi and strawberries are also good sources of Vitamin C as are peppers and tomatoes.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Foods rich in Vitamin C include citrus fruits ,oranges and grapefruit. Kiwi and strawberries are also good sources of Vitamin C as are peppers and tomatoes.
Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Omega 3 can calm your airways when they’re irritated or inflamed. They do this by limiting the production of substances that tell the airways to swell. They fatty acids are found in certain types of fish- particulary wild salmon, mackeral, sardines and anchovies. Walnuts are also a good source of omega-3 fats, as are kiwi fruit and linseed oil.
Possibly one of the most important aspects of your diet is Water…Drinking lots of water helps keep the mucus in your lungs thin, which can reduce coughing spasms and makes it easier for you to clear your airways. Most people should be drinking 6-8 glasses a day.
But , if your appetite is poor, you may want to cut back on the water intake. When you have COPD, maintaining a healthy weight is essential, so you need to do all you can to help yourself feel like eating.
In the next article, we are going to talk about the Foods to Be Aware of That Can do more harm to COPD sufferers than good…
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